• Music,  Photography

    The KIX Family Says, “Thanks for the Party!”

    Article and KIX photos by Susan “Sue” Hodges Grant “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Attributed to Dr. Seuss The final live performance of KIX is a memory, snippets of sounds and vivid imagery swirling in your brain or mind’s eye when you hear a KIX song, see an over-sized umbrella or balloon, or don that Walkin’ Away tee snagged at the merch booth. If you were in the audience, these indelible images are a part of your KIXtory that cannot be erased. If you were on the saturated lawn in the drenching rain or under the sold-out pavilion, you experienced firsthand the rock ‘n’ roll…

  • Music


    by Sue Hodges Grant Forty years ago, KIX performed at a glorious rock ‘n’ roll dive in Essex, Md., called The Seagull Inn. As a journalism major at Loyola College with the burning desire to become a music journalist, I invited a few preppy classmates along to force them out from under their lite rock boulders. One Izod-clad friend blathered on about Bryan Adams most of the evening during the forgettable opening acts until I broke down when KIX blasted onto the stage: “STOP ALREADY ABOUT BRYAN ADAMS! Listen to this band! This is what rock ‘n’ roll is about. This is down ‘n’ dirty, in-your-face rock and KIX is…