Music,  Photography

The KIX Family Says, “Thanks for the Party!”

Article and KIX photos by Susan “Sue” Hodges Grant

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Attributed to Dr. Seuss

The final live performance of KIX is a memory, snippets of sounds and vivid imagery swirling in your brain or mind’s eye when you hear a KIX song, see an over-sized umbrella or balloon, or don that Walkin’ Away tee snagged at the merch booth. If you were in the audience, these indelible images are a part of your KIXtory that cannot be erased.

If you were on the saturated lawn in the drenching rain or under the sold-out pavilion, you experienced firsthand the rock ‘n’ roll rapture in the near capacity filled 15,000-person Merriweather Post Pavilion on September 17, 2023. To misquote Shakespeare – but quite appropriately – we few, we happy few, we band of KIX fans will undoubtedly recall that night and often recount the story of that breathtakingly magical two hours when KIX gave its devoted fans the ultimate show, a performance that was the culmination of the four-plus decades KIX perfected its craft with nonstop touring and superlative musicianship.

With a sea of cell phones capturing the live show, there are numerous videos on YouTube to peruse. Incredible still photos circulating on multiple social media outlets capture spectacular moments in time when vocalist Steve Whiteman, past guitarists Ronnie Younkins and Brad Divens along with current guitarists Brian Forsythe and Bob Paré, bassist Mark Schenker, and drummer Jimmy Chalfant shared the Marshall-stacked stage and tore it up. Type in “KIX Walkin Away final show” on Google and check out the reviews extolling the band’s swan song performance while detailing the two-hour arena-esque experience.

From the band’s early days, Baltimore fans claimed KIX as theirs, and there is undeniable bond between the KIX fan family and the band. When the band signed to Atlantic Records, the fans celebrated. In 1981, when the eponymous debut album appeared in the Sam Goody racks, fans snagged a vinyl copy (or two) and wore out its grooves or cursed at the thinning cassette tape jammed in car players. During MTV’s Headbanger’s Ball, we watched in anticipation for a KIX video to be shown and then recorded it on VHS tape. And 40-plus years after we were first introduced to KIX, when the band’s final live performance was announced at the M3 Rock Festival in May 2023, fans rushed to get tickets to experience KIX one last time.

My memories of the “Walkin’ Away” show are as clear as crystal. And I could review the show, provide adjective after adjective of praise, report the well-selected setlist, gush over the moment prior bandmates appeared onstage, describe the sublime guitar interplay or how the bottom end was locked in as tight as ever. And then what more could I say about Steve and his rapport with the audience and his unbridled energy? Or I could describe how – during the bittersweet final performance – tears freely flowed down beaming faces filled with joy at the poignant memories KIX songs invoked.

But I won’t.

So, instead of me blathering on (too late!), I wanted the fans and those who have been steadfast local music supporters to offer their thoughts on the final show and what KIX has meant to them over the years. I queried a few KIX-centric social media groups so people could offer their personal KIX stories, and I got hundreds of responses. I must admit, tears fell as I read many of these emotional recollections. And as much wanted to publish every response, I had to pare it down or this would have been a KIX book. However, I hope you will enjoy reading these heartfelt remembrances as much as I.

Of course, KIX will forever be a part of our lives, rekindling fond memories of youth and reminding us of the power music has over the heart and soul. I am certain the KIX family wishes each member a well-deserved retirement blessed with good health, great joy, and much success in whatever endeavors they have chosen to pursue. Thank you, KIX, for bestowing upon us the gift of unforgettable music and live performances and, for that, your fans are eternally grateful.


Kirk McEwen

Kirk McEwen – 98 Rock on-air talent, “Kirk & Marianne Show” – Baltimore, Md.

[Kirk introduced the band for the final show at Merriweather, and he has also been a staunch supporter of local music in the Baltimore area. We did a quick phone chat and, as usual, he was entertaining and enlightening.]

“I was 19 years old, going to University of Maryland, and there were signs in

Hagerstown Hall for KIX playing out on LaPlata Beach, which was an area between Elkton Hall and Hagerstown and Ellicott [Hall]. That’s how I got my indoctrination to KIX. Brad Divens was in the band at that time, and Brad ended up being in my band for a while and I know Brad pretty well because of that. “But KIX has been a part of my whole professional career. I got a job at 98 Rock in 1984 and they had already been up and running. There was KIXmas, and there were just a ton of KIX shows, and Steve would come up to the radio station and he would sing songs on the air … [Kirk starts singing the melody to “Funiculi, Funicula” while recalling Steve’s adaptation of the lyrics]: ‘Last night I masturbated with a blah blah. It was so good, I knew it would. Pull it, yank it, take it to the left …’

Yeah, so Steve and the band, the dirty boys, have been around 98 Rock for the whole time, so I have a good vantage point of them. I used to do Kirk’s Hideaway and Home

Tapes and I had their music from ‘Blow My Fuse’ when they were in the demo phase. I almost felt bad playing them because they were a signed band, but I had stuff nobody else had. I had their demos for all the songs that ended up on ‘Blow My Fuse’ when they were stripped down and working on ‘em. So, for almost as long as they have been around – and in ’24 it will be 40 years for me – I have been riding with them the whole time.

“So many bands opened up for ‘em: Skid Row, Poison, White Lion … I mean all these bands opened up for KIX and a lot of them have gone on to, maybe, do better … But I said it on the stage and it’s true: When KIX plays, all the bands watch off to the side. They’re always there because KIX did it right. They came out there and rocked their brains out and weren’t all caught up in the rock and roll lifestyle. So other bands watched them and probably stole from them and they got a lot more credit.

“But I’m glad they checked out when they did instead of going on too long, because at some point you gotta say, ‘Check, please.’ And although some bands just keep on going, KIX went out on top.”

Paula Ann Boggs – Mayor of Piedmont, W.Va. (Steve’s hometown)

Piedmont, WV, Mayor Paula Boggs Presenting Steve Whiteman with the Key to the City

“I am a friend of Steve’s from his hometown of Piedmont, WV. That final show was awesome!!! When the sirens started for ‘Atomic Bombs,’ the first song from the first album, I was done!!! I cried the whole show. The sirens from that song sound like our fire whistles in Piedmont. I can remember putting that needle on that first album and hearing the sirens, then the songs, and I was hooked!!! So proud of Steve and his accomplishments!!! He deserves to retire and rest. Their music will live on!!! Forever a KIX fan!!!”

L – R- Lynn, Anna Sokel,Jay Fillipone, Michelle Welch-Garren, Roger Garren, Sue Hodges Grant , ROX publisher Eric Sokel, Julie Kichline

Eric Sokel – Publisher of The ROX Magazine – Harper’s Ferry, W.Va.

“My thoughts on the last show? When I heard about this final chapter in the KIX history, I immediately started thinking about people I hadn’t seen in a while. As word spread about the show, I started getting texts from people going and you could feel something special was drawing people to this last performance. ROX staff were coming, old and new friends were coming, and so many bands were coming. I was texting with Michelle [Welch-Garren, former managing editor] and she asked, ‘Why am I excited about this?’ I said, ‘family’ because KIX has always been there (well sorta) and been influential and helpful to so many others in our music scene. So, it was like Uncle Steve and Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Brian and all the other uncles that were KIX-invited – the family – to their retirement party: the Baltimore music scene, the Maryland music scene, the Mid-Atlantic music scene, that family, my family. And, man, it seemed like they all showed up. So, thanks for all the KIX; it’s been a blast.”

Shannon S. – Smithsburg, Md.

“I have so much respect for KIX knowing when to pull the plug on doing any more concerts. These guys are the classiest dirty boys. They provided quite a lot to the soundtrack of my life. Being in the crowd for part of their final show is something I will never forget. KIX fans represent no matter the weather.”

Shannon and Steve at the Maryland Institute of Music


Blaise P. – Seattle, Wash.

“For 45 years, if you were lucky enough to see them, you got it. It was pure rock and roll entertainment by some of the most talented musicians ever. Then add the unmatched showmanship of Steve Whiteman and it became a guaranteed excellent time. Once you became a fan, you remained a fan and that was proven with their last show. They honestly could have filled Madison Square Garden if there had been more advanced notice. They could fill a cruise ship just with KIX fans, and those fans also include musicians from all over the world. Often imitated, never replicated, and truly a wonderful part of all the fans’ lives! They will be greatly missed, but the memories and music will never die!”

Kenny M. – Windber, Pa.

“A phenomenal show from beginning to end. I’ve never cried and rocked out at the same time. When I got to shake Steve’s hand [he came off the stage during “For Shame” and walked through the audience] I got to tell him ‘Thank you.’ A moment I’ll never forget!”

John Allen, Child’s Play/SR-71/Charm City Devils/STONE HORSES – Baltimore, Md.

Quiet Before the Storm
Photo by Stella Sanchez
Photo by Stella Sanchez

“For me, opening for them one last time was such an honor. They were the first regional/local band I saw in an arena. They are the gold standard we were all striving for. They blew me away that first time I saw them and every time until this last show. Incredible band and incredible people. Love those dudes.”

John Solenberger Admin of The Official Kix Band Cool Kids fan group

“My quote would be, ‘On September 17th, 2023 we witnessed the final performance by the greatest band in the world and a celebration of the nicest fans in the world.'”

Steve F. – New Cumberland, Pa.

Steve Foehlinger and his KIX-fan daughter, Nova Autumn

“I had been following KIX since I was 11 or 12, hearing them for the first time on Monsters of Rock radio. Growing up, bands then that grabbed me were Metallica, KIX, Ratt, Skid Row and that sort. All those bands were part of my life’s soundtrack – fast guitars, long hair, amazing vocals. For 25 plus years I have traveled the world with bands building stages and building on festival grounds for music festivals and big-name tours, but then coming home and seeing a great band like KIX play smaller venues was always like a welcome home gift; it was heart-warming.

“I almost didn’t make the show in Maryland for the final run, but it came to be I was given amazing seats in the pavilion. And right from the gate, Steve and the rest of the band put on this spectacular performance. To see a big production made for them to play one last time was something we weren’t used to seeing, but it was very heartfelt. I knew, for me, when Steve did his walk through [the audience] with ‘For Shame,’ I knew this was really it after 45 years. In my mind I envisioned all the black and white media and all the former quotes from hearing others speak of the band, and it took me to a very different place to realize this was really it and that KIX was not going to be taking to the stage anymore.

“I’m thankful for every opportunity for the years of great music and seeing them, and I wish the band all the success after this.”

Jean T. – New Oxford, Pa.

“I took my son and my granddaughter to the concert with me. I’ve seen KIX many times over the years, both as an opening act and headliner, and they’ve never put on a bad show. My son had never seen them before and he loved it, and KIX was my granddaughter’s first concert when she was 18. Watching them it suddenly hits you that this is it and it’s a sad moment, but it’s understandable as they have entertained for many years. They will be missed.”

Karen Aylor, aka Karen The Metal Mistress “Hair Band Hi-Lites” – 97 Underground – Baltimore, Md.

Gene Barnett, drummer of Dirty Looks, and Karen Aylor

“The KIX finale concert – Wow! What an amazing, momentous event! It gifted each of us with a KIX memory tattoo. Standing on the lawn, even the pouring rain did not deter my focus on the stage, soaking in every song, every move the guys made around the stage, and every word spoken by Steve, knowing THIS WAS IT … FOREVER.
“As they started playing ‘The Itch,’ it took me back to 1981 sitting in the WSUX Seaford, Delaware on-air radio studio. It was there I first introduced KIX on-air and played their newly released single – ‘The Itch’ – on a 45 rpm record. I sat in front of the turntable listening to it on full blast and watching the words ‘Atlantic Records’ spinning around. I recall I was so psyched to play and help promote this band who I had seen in Baltimore clubs as The Shooze and the Generators years before.

“And now there I was 42 years later watching the Baltimore Legends – who never got their due – take their last bow on stage. What a privilege! What a blast! We all loved all the songs they played, including my favorites: ‘The Itch,’ ‘For Shame’ and ‘Cold Blood.’ So very cool seeing Ronnie Younkins and Brad Divens on stage with them, too!

“And yes, I still love hearing ‘The Itch’ played All the Way Out to the Very Last Guitar Riff!” 

Eric B. – Perry Hall, Md.

“KIX final show brought the masses from all 50 states and even abroad to show that this little band from Baltimore not only left a mark on hard rock 4-Ever, but KIX definitely impacted its fans the most.

“We sang the songs together, laughed, and reminisced about the first time we saw the band. Most had tears in their eyes by the end as we knew we were part of something special.

“The final KIX show ever! Unlike the so-called retirement of other bands, this was it. And they are a true class act of Rock ‘N’ Roll going out on their feet. Not a money grab, but a true celebration of the closing of a era.

“I am sure everyone had a favorite moment, from Steve walking through the crowd singing ‘For Shame’ to Ronnie ’10/10′ Younkins back on stage with the band. My favorite part is from where it all started for me and I felt like I was a kid at Hammerjacks again. Jimmy ‘Chocolate’ healthy playing a drum solo. Brian ‘Damage – what can you say? Brilliant, as always. Mark and Bob are awesome players. It was just awesome to see all these guys on stage together. And I know I’m definitely forgetting other players who were part of this spectacular event.

“KIX will live on in the hearts and minds of their fans forever!!!”

Don and Julie W. – Altoona, Pa.

Don and Julie W.

“The anticipation of the show, combined with the anxiety of the drive in the pouring rain from Altoona, Pa., was overwhelming. Although this was the last show my husband Don and I would see of them, this show was a different band altogether for us. We were just 2 peanuts in the gallery of a pyro/techno show, not the typical show for us 2 old cool kids who were usually up front rockin’ our faces off, making eye contact, singing the lyrics, and grabbing awesome photos. It just felt BIG.

“The show that really crushed me was our show before the last show, 7/17/23 at the Allegheny County Fair. We were up front – as usual – and really, really enjoyed the show, but the gravity of their retirement hit hard at the end … We just stood there when it was over, just staring at the band knowing we’d never be this close to them ever again and I left in tears. We loved the last show, and fortunately, we were under the pavilion … not that we haven’t rocked with boys in the rain many … many … many times!”

Richard R. – Edgewater, Fla.

“I have been a fan since the early ‘80s when I could sit at the Bayou in DC and eat dinner while the boys jammed 15 feet away. Saw them many times there and loved every minute of it! I brought my 20-year-old daughter to the last show. She has seen them once at ‘80s in the Park’ [rock festival] in central Florida, where we live. At the final show in Baltimore, it was like I went back in time with the songs they played, and they finished with my favorite, ‘Yeah, Yeah, Yeah’!!! This was a huge check on my bucket list and a lasting memory with my daughter. Thank you, KIX!!!”

Michele P. – Arnold, Md.

“I loved every second of the Walkin’ Away show, from Ronnie’s comeback to Steve walking the crowd during ‘For Shame.’ They sounded great, but they always have. It didn’t feel like their last performance, just another kick ass rock show. It was great to see them get the stage production level they always deserved. It will never be enough for me.”

James M. – Woodbine, Md.

“My wife Debbie and I were at the last KIX concert, and we got there 2 hours early before the gates opened. We had pavilion seats, BUT I was on a MISSION- to get one of the 150 limited edition drumheads. We were 3rd at our gate to get in and when they opened the gates, I ran like Forrest Gump to get to the merch booth. LUCKILY, WE GOT ONE- and I consider it my BEST piece of KIX MEMORABILIA- I will keep it FOREVER. #KIXFANFOREVER!”

Mary Kay K. – Front Royal, Va.

“I went and also was on the lawn. I love these guys and I have been going to see them ever since I was 12 … Needless to say, I’m 51. I will miss them so much. Their talent and memories will be with me forever. They will forever hold a special place in my heart.”

Lysa S. – Manassas, Va.

Lysa and Mike

“Wow! That last show was amazing, but KIX always has been and I never saw them have a bad night. They went out on top and looked and sounded as great as they always were. Was nice to see Brad Divens as I had never seen him with them, but I always knew he was in the band at the beginning. Loved how they brought out their crew and showed so much appreciation for – not only their crew – but their fans. For them to end their career in Maryland meant a lot to long-time local fans, and I had to make sure I was there.

“I remember hearing KIX on 98 Rock since 1981 and being so excited when they would put out a new album. Then I started seeing them at Hammerjacks, and after all these years, I felt like they would always be around. You see so many bands that have been around since the ‘70s and ‘80s still touring and you know KIX was THE biggest ‘road dog’ band. They were always doing shows. So then ending their career was a shock and it still – and will – remain sad for me, but they did it with so much class that I guess it couldn’t have happened any other way. At least we all got to say goodbye to them and most of all be thankful for so many great songs and shows over the last four decades.”

Amy S. – Mount Airy, Md.

“I’m blessed to have seen KIX several times & EVERY time it was fantastic!! Their final show was absolutely ‘Epic.’

“Steve was his typical fun-loving self, and they all came together as a Family & included us in their emotional goodbye. The sheer energy that was felt in every song and every ‘Snipplet’ was amazing. The sound of all our voices singing when prompted. Tthe masses saying ‘You’re welcome’ [to Steve after he repeatedly thanked the audience]. The entire band all played perfectly! I will always cherish my memories of KIX & they’ll always be alive in my heart & Blow’n my Fuse.”

Busload of KIX fans from Brunswick, Md.

Melissa W. – Brunswick, Md.

“I have loved KIX forever! We cut our OC Bike Week trip short for the final show! Drove home to Brunswick – KIXmas town – and boarded a party bus that we hired for 30 of us, including my two grown sons! We were in the lawn seats and had a blast! My heart aches at the thought of never seeing another KIX show! I hope I win the lottery and make them an indecent proposal to play one more show!”

Douglas D. – Burnham, Pa.

“Seen them so many times. Best show ever, but bittersweet.”

Brenda Beatty R. – Pa.

“Discovered KIX in 1979 and have been a loyal fan ever since, going to as many shows as possible on the East Coast and dragged along all my friends who became fans as well! Those of us who have been fans all these years feel like we grew up with these guys. We stayed loyal because the Goddamn KIX Band always gave 110% at every show and they continued that right up to the Final Show, which was epic!

“Ironically, the last performance fell on my birthday. It was a bittersweet day, to say the least, but I wouldn’t have missed it for anything!

“I wish them all the best in this next chapter of their lives and want to say ‘Thank You’ for providing the soundtrack to so many great years of rock and roll.”

Mary F. – Annapolis, Md.

“My best memory of the last show was how torn I was debating to record some of the highlights knowing it was their last show, yet I wanted to take it all in just like we all did before cell phones were a thing. But I’m happy that I did at least record a ‘Snipplet,’ as Steve would put it, of ‘Don’t Close Your Eyes’… I was so moved and decided to catch the fans in the moment, so I ended up panning my phone towards the crowd, and I am so happy I did for that memory is now my favorite of the last show. I recall back in the ‘80s, many photographers, etc. always would capture the reaction and energy from the audience, which seems – these days – you don’t get to see as often.”

Barry H. – Poquoson, Va.

“I have been a following fan since I was first turned onto the band in the mid ‘80s in Mississippi. I then graduated and joined the Army and was so excited when I found out I would be stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland just northeast of Baltimore. I knew I was in the area where the band spent most of its time and had some hardcore fans. My first of many shows was at the infamous Hammerjacks.

“Fast forward 27-plus years and many military deployments and not seeing many concerts at all, I retired in 2017 and started to travel out to different venues in Hampton Roads, like Elevation 27 and The Beacon Theatre in Hopewell, VA. I was taken off guard with the retirement announcement at the M3 Merriweather concert and told my wife we must go and bring our son, who is also a fan but had never seen them live, and my wife had only seen them twice.

Barry and family with Ronnie Younkins

“At the final show, I was more excited watching them get their faces rocked off as well as mine. My son said it’s the best concert with the best fans that he has been to in his life. Although he got to see them for his first and last show, it was bittersweet but good.

“The whole show was amazing. I wanted to take pictures and some video, but I was scared I would miss something, so I was a fan 100%.

“Being retired now from the military, with all its constant commitments and separation from family, I am genuinely happy for the band. They deserve it for sure, and they went out on top with heads held high. As a fan, I cannot be selfish and want them to continue. This band will forever be missed by me live in concert, but they will forever be in my heart. For me to see them, I only have to close my eyes!”

Name requested to be withheld – Los Angeles, Calif.

“When our band first heard about KIX, it was like ‘Oh great, another East Coast wanna-be glam band.’ This was around the time of ‘Cool Kids,’ and we all listened to the album and knew these guys were definitely something cool coming out of the other coast. When we finally got to see them during the ‘Blow My Fuse’ tour, we were f*cking blown away. It was like they grabbed the audience by the balls at the very beginning and squeezed tight during the whole show. I know they worked their asses off and didn’t get the recognition and fame they deserved, but seeing the fans go totally insane at their last show was a testament to the KIX legacy.”

Craig W. – Mexico City, Mexico

“One of the best live bands from the era of the ’80s. Even still, at this time, they sound the same.

“When opening for other popular bands as Ratt, Britney Fox and others, they were a hard act to follow back in the day, and they blew the headliners off the stage. And even now during M3 most couldn’t compare to their energy. It’s a shame they weren’t bigger than they were; they actually were the little giants of ’80s hair bands and they should have been a lot bigger.

“And you could see for yourself a sold-out crowd [of pavilion] seats and lawn, even in the pouring rain. Not too many decided to stay home on that wet day.”

Neal H. – Baltimore, Md.

“Throughout the show my thoughts wandered from the 1st time I saw the band as a kid, taking my rowboat across the river to sneak into The Seagull Inn to see them. Immediately they became my favorite. My emotions were all over the place when the last show ended: I was sad, happy, and thankful I was lucky enough to have seen them countless times. From Hammerjacks to small places like Back of the Rack in Ocean City, I will always cherish those moments.”

Wendy K. – Winchester, Va.

“I am a huge KIX fan, and anyone that knows me, knows this. However, I was not at their last show due to some pretty significant marital issues. Long story short, as I was passing through Columbia on my way back from bike week, I couldn’t help but feel like I was missing out on the most important show ever, and it hit me like a ton of crushing stone. I started to cry realizing this was the last time my all-time favorite band would perform. I thought I would be ok with seeing them play at Backseat in my hometown of Winchester just weeks prior and that show would fulfill my needs, but I realized while driving through Columbia, a big piece of who I was – my idols – would be taking the stage for the last time. I missed out.

“I’ve been following everyone’s posts from the show and living in the moment through their eyes, and it appears that all my memories from all the shows were relived on stage that night! I’m forever grateful to have seen the guys play hundreds of times through the years. I have lots of great memories, but there is an incredible void within my soul knowing I’ll never see them perform again. I had them sign my original 1981 album at Backseat, my very first album I owned.

“I have so many memories from Hammerjacks to Shiley Acres, from Broken Spoke Bar in Baker, WV to Backseat Bar and Grill in Winchester, and there was never a dull moment. The guys always performed perfectly and allowed me to laugh and seize the moment at every show. They will remain alive in my memories and forever be engraved into my soul. Wishing them the best in retirement and hoping to run into them at some local concerts, just them being fans enjoying the music.”

Holly R. – Perry Hall, Md.

“So, the final show was as bittersweet as it could be, but I was very glad I got to see their finale. I will be sad when there is no more KIXmas and no KIX on the Monsters of Rock Cruise; that’s when it will hit me.

“KIX did a great job as always and was on point musically. The production was well done, and you really couldn’t ask for more. But we got much more than a great show: We got to see professionals. We got to see gracious people giving their all and then some. They went above and beyond. Steve Whiteman has taught us manners. We know how to respond properly when someone thanks us.

“But it goes beyond that. To include former members was a demonstration of what is good, gracious, and decent in our genre of music. KIX demonstrated we can come together and get along, no matter what transpired in the past. To this, I would like to say thank you. I would like to think we can all learn a lesson from this show: We can come together and make things work. It can be done.

“I was sad to hear a lot of whining about the band’s retirement. Just like all of us who have worked hard our entire adult lives, they have earned the right to retire. They have earned the right to pursue what they want to do with their time. We should be happy for them. We had many years of great KIX music. We certainly should appreciate it and not whine like spoiled brats.

“And who knows what the future holds. Just because one retires, doesn’t mean creativity is shut off forever. There are other projects. There are other things to do should they want. And I, for one, will be happy to support any efforts.”

Michelle P. – Leesburg, Fla.

“What KIX means to me is what my hometown of Baltimore means to me. Growing up in Baltimore in the early ‘80s and having a father who was a local musician and an older brother who use to see The Shooze and early KIX, I was destined to be a KIX fan.

“Listening to 98 Rock faithfully as a kid was where I first heard KIX in 1981. I was 11 years old when I received the first KIX record at Xmas. Immediately I was hooked and drawn into their rock ‘n’ roll web of debauchery. Saturday mornings in 1983 there was a local TV show that showed rock music videos, and they often played KIX’s ‘Body Talk’ with Brian wearing his Stray Cats shirt in the video and ‘Cool Kids’ album had just come out.

Michelle and Ronnie Younkins

“I saw them in concert at Timonium Fairgrounds in 1987 when I was 17, and then many, many times at Hammerjacks, among other venues, when I was still in high school. KIX epitomized the incredible Baltimore music scene at the time, and what a time it was to be alive in Baltimore if you loved rock music!

“From live shows at Hammerjacks to Ramshead Live to the Walkin’ Away final show at Merriweather, KIX has been a staple in my life. No matter how down you are, put on a KIX record/video and I promise you will be bouncing around and all your blues will fade away. To me, KIX will always be Baltimore’s favorite sons and they will always hold a special place in my heart. I was lucky enough to tell Ronnie Younkins how much he and the band meant/means to me at The Blues Vultures show on Saturday night before the final KIX show on September 17.

“I really don’t think they realize the impact they had on so many lives. KIX is a part of the storybook to my Baltimore childhood and adulthood life. THANK YOU, KIX, for ALL of the incredible memories. KIX will always feel like home, and maybe if I click my heels together 3 times …”

Kelly W. – York, Pa.

“My fondest moments with KIX were hanging out with them at after parties and I went to take a pic of Steve and the camera was delayed, so by the time it snapped the picture, it was of Steve’s bare butt about to get in shower! lol He said keep it, but just don’t put it on internet. lol

“I loved the Merriweather last show and as they bowed, I felt, ‘Wow, this is really it …’ I tried to not let it sink in. I thought maybe, just maybe, they will do a few reunion shows or something, but now with auctioning all of the stuff, [There is a live auction on Facebook with exclusive KIX items from the personal estate of Steve Whiteman on October 13.] I know that’s not going to happen and I am sad about it.”

Bob S. – Chicago, Ill.

“I remember heading into a record store in ’81 and going through the hard rock section and there was this band called ‘KIX’ in one of the bins (and it was weird ‘cause they were in the wrong place behind Motley Crue) and I had enough money to buy one album, and I grabbed KIX ‘cause I liked the cover better. Best choice I ever made! From the beginning to the end, the songs were just kick ass and Steve had this great voice that was so different. And the songs were perfect for the ‘80s: fun, irreverent and about being young. I was hooked.

“Went to see the band whenever they came near Chicago and was never disappointed. Each time I saw the band they just gave it everything they had to give and the audience just reacted to that and had a great time. You kind of know when a band is going through the motions and I never felt that way whenever I saw KIX in concert. Whether there were 100 people or 1000, they were on 100%. Now that is a great rock band!

“Got a last-minute ticket to the last concert and what an experience it was. The whole setup was like they were playing at Wrigley Field with the Marshalls in the back, the monitors, all the video and pyro. And the fans that came out … They were all freaking going nuts over the band and you could tell that each person there loved KIX and were these diehard fans.

“And as I look back, I am glad someone put the vinyl out of order back in ’81 ‘cause I discovered one of my favorite rock bands because of it.”

Holly W. – Hanover, Pa.

“Waiting for that last KIX show was very bittersweet. I’ve been a fan since the ‘80s, introduced to their music by my older brother. It’s so hard to pick one favorite part of that show from the awesome stage production setup to seeing Ronnie ‘10/10’ back with the guys and Brad Divens. It was an amazing show and I’m so glad I got to be there and experience it with thousands of other KIX fans. The final bow with everyone really put a lump in my throat. It was at that moment it hit me that this was the last time I’ll see one of my favorite bands perform together.”

Joe C. – Carbondale, Pa.

“Right from the beginning, you knew the band was ready for this show. They were in the moment as were the fans. They played this show like any other – except for the on-steroids stage setup, which was awesome –  this was a typical high energy KIX show. With everything that was planned happening, and everything that was not planned happening, the show was like no other. It was simply the best KIX show ever!!!”

Mike W. – Brooklyn, N.Y.

“My friends and I were on the lawn for the final show, and I think God and the angels cried giant tears due to it being the last KIX show because the rain was so heavy and the wind blew so hard that the chairs we brought were blown away and we got drowned. But that didn’t matter because the opener, Child’s Play, really got the party started and KIX just proved, once again, that they are the band that should have been so much bigger than what they were back when. KIX were and are the BOMB! They have never failed to be the most amazing bunch of musicians that entertain from start to finish, and I felt like I was saying goodbye to old friends when they did the encore to ‘Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.’ I wasn’t crying, you were crying. I wish them all the best because that is exactly what they always gave to everyone who ever went to a KIX concert. God bless.”

Maria H. – Baltimore, Md.

“Best memories: Wow! I was blown away by the final performance. KIX walked away giving 110% with the pyro, stage, performance, lights, videos, music … They wanted to walk away on top. This was the best performance I have seen from them yet. I have seen them at least 100 times, maybe more … And the snipplets were cool!”

Sue Hodges Grant – Former ROX managing editor/freelance music journalist – Seattle, Wash.

L – R Michelle P., Sue Hodges Grant, Karen Aylor, Holly R.

“I drove 7,000+ roundtrip miles from Seattle to Columbia for the final KIX show because – for one last time – I wanted to re-experience the unmitigated joy I felt from the music and spectacle of a KIX concert. I wanted to re-live being 20 again when my only care was how I would make it to an 8:00 a.m. class the next morning after being in a club the night prior!

“For five-and-a-half days, my Spotify playlist of ‘KIX’ blasted through the Prius’ speakers and I sang along for most of the cross-country journey. I had to pull over when tears started flowing during some of my car concert as I realized this would be the last time seeing KIX live on a stage.

“KIX was a defining part of my – misspent – youth as well as one of my early introductions to local music at The Seagull Inn in Essex. Each KIX performance was nonstop fun, and who wasn’t living for good times back then? But what impressed me the most, even when the band was at its start, was the high-quality musicianship and professionalism presented by each member. Yes, the audience was rocking out and having a party, yet these five guys from Western Maryland were assuredly in it for the brass ring of securing a record contract. It was an incredible time for Mid-Atlantic music and KIX showed other bands the gold standard of rock ‘n’ roll. What a great time for Maryland music!

“Ultimately, for me, this last performance was an incredible journey coming full circle. I wish the band members – past and present – all the best life has to offer. For over four decades you consistently gave the highest caliber performances for all your fans every time you stepped on the stage or recorded an album, and those memories are forever etched in my book of life. Thank you.”

David W. – Winchester, Va.

“Unlike other bands of that era, they’re humble, gracious to their fans, and never forgot where they came from and they always came back home to us. Plus everything else everybody said … they’re just special!”


  • Kimberly McPherson

    I bought my first Kix song on a 45 of the itch. It was great. After high school I saw them at Shiley Acres several times and they always put on a hell of a show. During the last concert I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I would never be able to enjoy them live again. Almost depressing. So truly greatful for all of the memories this wonderful band has given me.

  • Amy Smith( Albaugh )

    Great Article Sue ! Thank you so much for your wonderful compilation of our KIX Family Memoirs ✨️ What an honor it’s been to have KIX in my heart & soul for so many years..witnessing their Farwell Family Final show was absolutely a huge blessing for those that attended ! KFFK❤️‍

    • Eric Bonham

      Great article,was a cool piece to remember our Dirty Boys from Baltimore.Thanks for including my comments. It was great to see other fans reminisce from the days of the Seagull Inn all the way to Merriweather’s final show.
      Appreciate the time you took to write this..
      EricBonham Baltimore Md

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